Adaptive learning software that's  accessible and effective

Implementing the most impactful principles of cognitive science, Cerego helps ALL students achieve your class goals in less time.

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Proven to drive better learning outcomes

Cerego is an adaptive learning platform for faculty and academic institutions to ensure that all students, regardless of level when entering the course, are able to apply knowledge, excel on exams, pass board certifications, and prepare for their future career. 

Universiteit Leiden
ut austin
bryan univ
georgian college
Arizona State Universitys
south college

"Our students learn quicker, and retain longer, than through traditional learning and testing methods."

—Jeff Hellmer, Professor
The University of Texas at Austin

University of Texas at Austin

View Case Studies

Learning software that fundamentally improves how students learn and their progress is tracked

94% of students who use Cerego, recommend Cerego

A mobile-first approach and offline study capabilities enable students to learn on the go. In every subject area, with every class and individual learner, your unique learning objectives will be achieved using a single platform.

course materials
Revitalize course materials

Repurpose, modernize, and organize your existing course materials with advanced multimedia Smart Create™ tools. Already have an LMS? Cerego integrates seamlessly with most leading LMS platforms.

Simplify administration and analytics

Support your entire department, individual classrooms, and learners with robust admin tools and analytics that empower you to track progress and long-term retention, or offer additional help to those who are struggling.


Building knowledge inside and outside the classroom at Cairn University

By using an adaptive learning approach, Chair of Criminal Justice & Politics Programs Mark Gaspar could feel confident that students would get the appropriate support based on their needs.

Read case study →


How ICON Collective College of Music uses Cerego to learn faster, remember longer, and fulfill their mission

"ICON is committed to our students' development as artists and Cerego helped us put the emphasis on mastery, rather than test scores."

Read case study →

Cerego Education Webinars

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Making Remote Teaching a Success for Students, TAs, and Professors

We hosted Christian Tudorache and Roel Wouters from the University of Leiden for an interactive session, where they discussed how by working together, professors, TAs, and students overcame the common challenges posed by remote learning.

Watch on-demand webinar →

3-Year Study: The Effect of Adaptive Learning on Student Performance | Cerego Webinar

3-year Study: The Effect of Adaptive Learning on Student Performance

We were excited to host a webinar with Dr Nathan Boase of QUT (Queensland University of Technology), where he'll discuss the results of his 3-year study on the effects of adaptive learning.

Watch on-demand webinar →

How to Increase Student Confidence and Participation in Remote Learning | Cerego Webinar

How to Increase Student Confidence and Participation in Remote Learning

Patti Valella, Professor of Life Sciences at Long Beach City College, joined us for an interview on how to build student confidence and increase participation in remote learning.

Watch on-demand webinar →

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